Learn how to make lasting financial changes, vs. getting motivated but nothing really changes.
Learn how to alter your behavior to embrace solid financial concepts.
Begin to competently manage money vs. defaulting to limiting habits.
Part with any need to purchase expensive possessions because you want to feel, act, or be thought of (by others)
as important.
You will no longer need use the country, economy, interest rates, family, clients, or employer for your financial
Learn how to forever end spending any time or energy hiding your financial truths from others.
You can stop chasing shiny objects (like money-making opportunities) that never end up working
out for you.
Learn how to confidently break up with poor habits that resemble comfortable behavior of your family.
If you identified with any of the above statements, you likely have unconscious thought and feeling patterns that cause you to behave in a certain way toward money, opportunity, and wealth… without your control. The cost of not knowing this information affects all areas of your life.
If your negative money patterns keep operating…
You will almost certainly continue repeating them into the future…
Which affects your family’s lives as well as your own…
And you’ll never have the sense of pride and achievement of FINALLY SOLVING the underlying issues that cause you to treat money as you have been.
The solution is based on four mental, emotional, and psychological operating patterns…
1. Stories. What beliefs about money you default to automatically.
2. Systems. Strategies you implement about money to align with your stories.
3. Filters. How you delete and distort information about money to strengthen your systems.
4. Conflict. The self-inflicting attachment to recreate/reinforce our negative financial patterns in an endless loop of financial pain and suffering that keeps getting worse (unless you do something about it).
You’re invited to be a part of a Special 4-Hour Workshop that will help you understand the root cause of your Negative Money Patterns and correct them permanently.
You will uncover the unconscious and automatic patterns that cause you to treat money as you have. You will resolve at least one core pattern during the event, guaranteed. You will walk away with tools and strategies for maintaining the change over the long term.
It’s called Money Mindset Moves.
It’s a 4-hour immersive event on Feb 18th at 11 AM EST.
In addition to the one-day event… You’ll also get a follow-up “Post Impact” workshop on
Feb 25th at 11AM EST that is yours absolutely FREE.
Since repetition is the mother of all skills, that additional event ensures your shifts are permanent. The purpose of the follow-up workshop is to ensure the wins and gains from the first day stick with you.
Unlimited Access to the Recording of Our Session.
Unlimited Access to our private Facebook Group.
Preparation Worksheets and Exercises.
A 3-part, 3-hour training from The Time Class.
You have a money back guarantee. By the time of our first break on February 18, if you have not gained value from the prep exercises and the morning training- no problem! I refund you and we part as friends.
This workshop is creating massive insights, shifts and breakthroughs for those who have already participated. See in their own words how their lives are impacted in far more ways than just financially, as a result of working with me.
Are you waiting until you have enough time or enough money? Is this excuse part of what stops you?
This is for solo-preneurs, salespeople, and service-based business owners who want to completely transform their relationship with money.
If you’re ready to update ineffective systems that keep you always wanting more and not knowing how to get it…..This is your course.
It’s not what you earn. It’s how you leverage. Learn how to leverage what leads you to prosperity!
This is for those who are ready to embrace their Net-Worthiness!
1.The ability to see how generational money behavior affected your beliefs.
2. How shadow behavior was developed before we even had language.
3. How to release shame and guilt around debt, income, worth, money story, and your financial history.
4. Learn how to charge appropriately for what you’re worth.
5. Learn how to approach sales unencumbered by negative or limiting thinking.
6. Learn how to connect with your audience more authentically.
7. Learn about 6 primary archetypes that I have identified over 40 years, employing over 1000 people and coaching clients to break through financial thresholds.
8. Learn my proprietary process that specifically maps your patterns.
9. Learn how to reduce hitting rock bottom.
10. You will start to see how your survival skills are brilliant, your true winning formula, not the false narrative that causes imposter syndrome, shame, guilt, and lack.
And more…….because your participation leads directly to your own personal results.
You will start gaining insights the moment you start the prep exercises in the group. Over the course of the following weeks you will see things unfold in front of you. This has been true for 100% of people who attentively participate in my workshops. When we meet up the second week, it is always fascinating how positive changes occurred as a result of what you learn about yourself.
If by the first break of the first day you are not happy, I will refund 100% of your money. You keep the knowledge, the worksheets, the insights you have gained about yourself and the generational beliefs that have held you back. We part as friends.
You will receive a three part training on creating life balance, including key parts of the course I’ve been teaching since 1995. And- Unlimited access to me to answer your questions via the FB group.
For a limited time, this course is being offered for only $597.
I was a single mother, business owner, parental caretaker and workaholic. I was trading hours for dollars, terrified and exhausted about money all the time. It never occurred to me to pay myself first. That felt greedy. That was part of my story….I will work my tail off just to get by.
We all have a story, and mine was draining the joy right out of my life.
The belief I lived by; I am only worthy if I can work hard and make things great for others. I would lie in bed at night calculating how many haircuts I needed to do to cover basic bills. It never occurred to me that food and a paycheck for myself were part of my bills.
As I learned how to generate money, easily connecting with my audience and growing my companies, I was still blind to how I managed it. I had to see what I was doing, because I used money as a way to try to prove that I was worthy of being loved. If I was successful it meant I was good. If I made your life easier, you would love me more. If I carried your responsibilities on my back, you would not be able to abandon me.
By digging so deeply into myself, with the help of brilliant coaches and investing over $1M into my own education of self development, I came to see that the one person in common with my life and painful circumstances was ME!
Once I took responsibility for my own money results, I could no longer blame the ghost of my father, or anyone else I was inviting into my life and bank account. I could see precisely how I adopted my mother’s money program, and so much more…..all to keep my negative stories alive. Because these stories were all I knew.
Breaking through these ceilings of complexity allowed me to see the patterns in others….my staff who could not sell because they were afraid to offer something that might be rejected…. My private consulting clients who were stuck, afraid to change, yet knowing they must…… were soon able to find peace- and profits!
Your money flows to and from you in specific patterns that you have created. These patterns were developed before you even had language skills. And eventually this all catches up with all of us, even the wealthiest and most savvy individuals have specific isms when it comes to their money mindset.
In this course, you will begin to unravel your story, your patterns, and what has held you back from generating, managing and spending money in the ways that you have only dreamed about, to this point.
This unique training is based on 40 years of intense discovery and application, with over 1000 employees over 4+ decades of starting and scaling businesses. As I witnessed person after person shrink back from opportunities that were right in front of them, I realized the limiting beliefs went far deeper than the justifications that were being internally worked out in their mind.
I had to look at my own patterns, which felt terrifying! I was forced to see how I used money as a mechanism to judge myself with. This deconstruction of my own behavior was almost nauseating.
As I clawed my way out of my own patterns, I created a formula. As I guided my teams, using the formula I created for myself, I started to see changes in my staff. I saw how natural their defense mechanisms came into play. I noticed what allowed them to detach from self-limiting beliefs and step into uncharted territory.
The very moment you commit to your own financial success, your energy begins to shift. This is not the course that tells you "You're going to own a yacht in 12 months” This is a course that creates lasting, beneficial, healthy change. As the course unfolds, you tap into your unconscious drivers. Once this happens, you can never unsee them.
Using what you know about yourself to leverage your future is your very best gift!
Join Dorothy Andreas and discover a breakthrough in your money habits and procrastination. Get more done in less time and make more money...
Money Mindset Moves Bonus
In Module 1 you begin to understand how your relationship and story about time affect your life.
How your family of origin affects your beliefs.
How your past, present and future memories determine your decisions.
What mental hoarding keeps you from achieving.
How to recognize and eliminate blind spots that sabotage your time.
How to use your Ultradian Rhythms to your advantage.
What the distinction of your personal time system means.
In Module 2 you will come to understand how to gain a sense of life balance.
You will learn to improve and discard the behaviors in a way that supports your optimal physical being.
You will learn how to communicate in relationships in a new and profound way.
You will discover the meaning of Spiritualty (not religion) and how to appropriately rely on this aspect of life
You will learn how to leverage your knowledge and skills in a way that supports the career path you choose.
You will learn a new way to look at prosperity in your own life.
In Module 3 you will review the information you've already learned, but from a new vantage point as you have worked through each part.
You will begin to see what to selectively focus on to support your desired results.
You will learn how to create goals which eliminate your time wasters and replace them with joy and money makers.
You will learn how to start each day in a way that sets you up for success.
I did not know how much I needed this! Being an executive and having a family, I felt like I was constantly behind. If I wasn't behind at work, I felt guilty for not spending time with my family. When spending time with my family I was thinking about work! I felt like every morning I strapped into a rollercoaster, completely out of control until I went to bed at night . This course taught me to take charge of my time and by doing so, my life. I get more done at work, which is helping me produce better results. I also have much more time than I ever had before - I even make time for myself now. This course is a must-have for any busy professional realizing there could be more to life!
If you make all the moves.
© 2023 Streamline Success LLC All rights reserved.
Terms: No part of this presentation can be copied or shared with any person/s other than the original purchaser of the product without express written consent from the publisher. All purchases are non-refundable. Privacy: All personal information is secure and will not me shared or resold.